Our missions are systematically and precisely described in a main engagement letter, which outlines the general framework for our role and generally covers the following services:
- Financial counsel: wealth planning and supervision organised with our strategic partners, leading wealth management institutions that share with us a similar DNA, specific service providers and stakeholders in these missions.
- Wealth advice: planning, coordination and management of business, financial and matrimonial projects
- Administrative assistance
- Our family investor identity
- Our critical mass and ability to pool interests, costs and experience
- Our international network of asset managers, advisors and families, patiently built up over time
- Our team of highly experienced professionals serving some of the main European Families
- Our resources and information systems
- AMF accreditation (French financial markets regulator),
Financial Investment Advisor E003067 - ACPR accreditation (French banking and insurance supervisor),
Intermédiaire en Assurances ORIAS 10057135 - Member of the National Association of Financial Advisors,